Wednesday, July 31, 2019

A Strategy is Born Essay

The events that were described in this case study sounds to me as if they started off with the planning model of Rational Planning. I say this due to the fact that all the right parties were alerted to what needed to be done with goals being said and set to be put into place for starters. This did help with the main concerns being priorities and kept to along with formations being followed with effective organized tactics. They were put into place after the goals were set and made. As I read this case study and from my understandings this war was being analyzed and evaluated by senior officers in Washington who all had different ways and structures they thought would work best for meeting the goals that had been set into place. This was one of the Rational models of continuing opinions with the planning process in order to see what all has currently worked with what was set to be done and what was not working and needed to be taken out and improved. But with that being said this is where I could see were the Rational Planning model some what worked and where the weakness of the plan begin to splay its role. The thorough communications about the goals that worked and were not working were not being met let alone everyone was on different pages with alternative actions that needed to be done. There were no set connections information being made of all the shared resources at all. First Heading The heading above would be used if you want to have your paper divided into sections based on content. This is the first level of heading, and it is centered and bolded with each word of four letters or more capitalized. The heading should be a short descriptor of the section. Note that not all papers will have headings or subheadings in them. First Subheading The subheading above would be used if there are several sections within the topic labeled in a heading. The subheading is flush left and bolded, with each word of four letters or more capitalized. Second Subheading APA dictates that you should avoid having only one subsection heading and subsection within a section. In other words, use at least two subheadings under a main heading, or do not use any at all. When you are ready to write, and after having read these instructions completely, you can delete these directions and start typing. The formatting should stay the same. However, one item that you will have to change is the page header, which is placed at the top of each page along with the page number. The words included in the page header should be reflective of the title of your paper, so that if the pages are intermixed with other papers they will be identifiable. When using Word 2003, double click on the words in the page header. This should enable you to edit the words. You should not have to edit the page numbers. In addition to spacing, APA style includes a special way of citing resource articles. See the APA manual for specifics regarding in-text citations. The APA manual also discusses the desired tone of writing, grammar, punctuation, formatting for numbers, and a variety of other important topics. Although the APA style rules are used in this template, the purpose of the template is only to demonstrate spacing and the general parts of the paper. The student will need to refer to the APA manual for other format directions. GCU has prepared an APA Style Guide available in the Student Writing Center for additional help in correctly formatting according to APA style. The reference list should appear at the end of a paper (see the next page). It provides the information necessary for a reader to locate and retrieve any source you cite in the body of the paper. Each source you cite in the paper must appear in your reference list; likewise, each entry in the reference list must be cited in your text. A sample reference page is included below; this page includes examples of how to format different reference types (e. g. , books, journal articles, information from a website). The examples on the following page include examples taken directly from the APA manual.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Community Organization Reflective Paper Essay

Every little change counts, and this is what I have learned after watching this video. A few people that are committed are better than having thousands of people that do not care about anything. This is like having few people that are willing to accept change than people who embraces the old system for fear of losing what they already have. The capitalists out there though don’t seem to mind groups made of small numbers of people because of their number as they fight for social change in their area. Social change when defined is a change that is happening in the environment, in our society, in the way we deal with other people, changes in the society or within the community. There are certainly good and bad sides of social change, including having social movements and social community organization that tries to work with it. One example of social change and the movement that is associated with it is the equal right movement for blacks in the United States. There was also the movement that was established for the right of women to vote or the suffrage right for women. It only means that social change can happen globally or within the locality and it can be caused by certain aspects like religion or economic or social forces that we encounter from time to time. We also have what we call progressive organizing which is about defending the weak and providing for the needy in an attempt to have a balance world (Rubin & Rubin 2008, p.4). With progressive organizing, everyone is equal hence there is no racial discrimination and they have everyone and accepts everyone regardless of their culture and gender preference or skin color. These people are bonded with one goal and they have one belief in attaining their goal. With progressive organizing, the inequality among people and progression is being eliminated hence allowing for a more balance society both financially and economically. But there are things that even this type of movement needs in  order to succeed like infrastructure, financial assistance or fund, good leaders, trusted members and supporters that are willing to help at all costs, one vision and goal and shared value (Hardisty & Perea, 2005). Just like progressive organizing, we also have community organizing where in members of the community forms a group together to protect themselves and their love ones from possible social issues within the community. Community organizations are established with the goals that everyone is aware of like policies and rules within the community. The role of community organization is to involve everyone in the community and make them create actions for their own good. Most of the community organizations that we have are established by non-profit organizations to make people in the area work together. The key for a community organization to work is to make sure everyone is involved, empowered and aware of the importance of their presence. Here are the ten concepts that we need to have when organizing a community group: -the power to make something happen -the capability to make everyone work for the group and not for themselves alone hence makes them participate -having leadership trainings to develop members that shows potential leadership capability -to make them aware of the current political condition hence political education should be provided -give strategies on how to achieve goals -to make people do something, mobilization or making thing happen -to make them do the action, let the members participate and do their job themselves -to be a winner meaning they are achieving their goals as they wanted -to do evaluation and assessment because through assessment can they figure out which action works and which one not. From then, they can move on and improve on the current action they have and do better the next time they have a project to work on with (Getsos & Minieri, 2007). Social community groups can start by doing something that they believe is right for their community like having curfews for their children. Once the goal is established, the members can share responsibilities like who will guard the community exits and entrances to ensure that everyone is home at the said hour. Individual member can now play their role, select the part they want to play and do it for the common goodness of their community. I knew a  community where in everyone is encouraged to participate in buying the products of their fellow members before choosing other products from the market especially when it comes to fruits and vegetables which is actually good because they can now buy fresh fruits and vegetables while at the same time helping their co-members earn something. Social change is needed because there is a social problem hence in order for a social change to take effect, we must understand first the social problem we have. Identify the problem that you are havin g in the society and community and make sure that it is in fact a problem and not just a part of your cultural heritage like maybe part of your prejudistic personality. If you have a clear problem in the community, then it will be easier to device a resolution for it and this time, make sure that everyone on the organization is ready to participate and are willing to be empowered. References Hardisty, J. & Perea, A. (2005). Mapping the Progressive Movement. Retrieved from: Rubin, Herbert J., and Rubin, Irene S: (2008)Community Organizing and Development; Pearson Education, Inc. New York, NY. Getsos, P. & Minieri, J. (2007). Community Organizing- what do we mean?., Chardon Press., Retrieved from: 21st Century Enlightenment (2011). Retrieved from:

Monday, July 29, 2019

Operation fly trap

However, all of this wouldn't be possible without the help she received from the Harry Guggenheim Foundation award. That grant helped her begin her fieldwork in 2005. Her fieldwork was conducted in the Pueblos neighborhood in Los Angles, this is where she got inside information from the gang members themselves. She also studied from the Los Angles Police Department (LARD), here she befriended a couple of FBI agents that were in charge of Operation Fly Trap. All of this fieldwork paved her way In writing a very objective book.She received individually received both sides of the Issue and wrote this book to give her point of view on the subject. In her Ellwood she would study the effects of the justice department and the consequence it has on the community and family of the criminals involved. The time she spent on the inside, with the people of the gangs and the lives they lead, would lead Phillips to question both the success of this operation and the methods used to conduct it (Phil lips 175).Los Angles was struck with dramatic economical times, the economy was unraveling In every way possible. The economy was hurt by the 011 crisis, depreciating international dollar, dwindle of union jobs, bifurcation of the manufacturing sector, ND an unchanging education system (Phillips 7). All of these factors would be reasons of why a good working class citizen would turn to dealing drugs, being a member of a gang, and/or using drugs. Drug money was â€Å"easy money† as one would say.You could make stacks of money fast, with little effort most of the time. The hard part was not getting caught. With the Increase In drug activity happening In Los Angles was the same Increase In prison sentences. It got so bad that Incarceration became Californians number one industry. It would grow to employ the largest umber of people in the state (Phillips). One of the other important factors that have to do with the increase in incarcerations was the fact that the state of Califor nia waged a war on drugs.The Federal Bureau of Prisons (BOP) went from housing 21 ,539 Inmates In 1978 to 217,444 in 2011, making drug offenders 55% of the BOP population (Phillips 8). Although part of this prison rate Is In fact due to the aggressive policing and harsh sentencing the criminals were given. This made Phillips think and wonder if all of this was part of the solution or Just part of the problem. From her extensive field work she goes on to say that the way the LAP approached the drug problem was in fact producing one of the problems they were trying so hard to prevent. Here she needed to take the next step, on the inside. She began this step by living in the neighborhood of Pueblos, which was run by the African American and Hispanic race. She luckily befriended a local named Ben Kaplan and lived there with his family. From there she was able to get a first hand view point the ever so popular drug environment. She was also able to see different sides of the spectrum lik e how he environment affected the families and communities alike. How the laws and actions of the police affected them as well.There use of surveillance, through wiretaps and confidential informants, having a negative impact on the lives of the community. She figures out how the families are shaped through this involvement in crime. Phillips research in all of this goes to prove how unbiased her book really is, she practiced true reflexivity. All of her facts are hard facts that she went and lived first hand. She witnessed drug deals, witnessed people snorting cocaine, and dinettes the wiretaps that were given to drug dealers.All of this information she writes from is purely unbiased facts, writing from an etc perspective, her way of co- existing with the people, sitting back and observing them, was how she approached her story. Phillips goes on to write about how the incarceration of a family member affects the family as a whole. Unintended consequences include threaten or actual e viction, the involvement of child social services, desalination of families, depression in children, and high mortality rates among already vulnerable people (Phillips 20).Arresting a drug dealer for â€Å"slinging† coke may seem like a win for the police but in all reality it causes a snowball effect on the rest of the family that will have to deal with. Phillips findings go on to say how the police work unintentionally tears apart the family functionalism. The only way to prevent crime is to have a strong united family. Operation Fly Trap was the combined effort of the LAP that removed twenty-eight key members of the local, gang-related drug trade. They did a great Job in reducing drug related crimes, however did very little in the gang related activity.Where the police succeed in incarceration rates, they fail in the goal to build a strong community. Phillips lasting conclusion in this ethnography is that incarceration can lead to increased poverty rates, negative health o utcomes, rises in violence, and instability among already vulnerable families. Lastly the importance of manufacturing gangs as iconic, newly federalism villains (Phillips 21). Phillips, Susan A. Operation Fly Trap: L. A. Gangs, Drugs, and the Law. N. P. : n. P. , n. D. Print. â€Å"Susan A. Phillips. † Susan A Phillips. N. P. , n. D. Web. 26 cot. 2013..

Micriobiology Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Micriobiology - Essay Example (1). Though bacteroides and escherichia are gram-negative bacteria with similar rod like shape, they are in different sections of the Bergey’s Manual, because they belong to different species. Escherichia belongs to the facultative species, while bacteroides belong to the anaerobic species. (2). DNA cloning is the process used for this genetic recombination. This process involves the isolating the DNA from the bacteriophages, and then using restriction enzymes to cut the DNA into fragments called restriction fragments. The restriction fragments are then introduced into the bacteria. (1). A DNA virus on penetrating a host cell releases the viral genome from the capsid and using the host cell polymerases begins transcribing viral mRNA. New virions are then assembled and released through cell lysis or by budding off the cell membrane. Whereas the lytic cycle of an RNA virus is dependent on the polarity of the RNA and whether the genetic material is single stranded or double stranded. In the creation of their genomes RNA viruses are very dependent on virally encoded RNA replicase (1). Viruses cause tumor by changing cells through the integration of their genetic material with DNA of the host cell. It was believed that only DNA viruses could cause cancer, as DNA viruses can directly insert their genetic material into the host cell DNA. RNA viruses can also cause cancer by first transcribing their RNA to DNA and then inserting the genetic material into the host cell DNA. (1). 4. You are growing Bacillus subtilis in nine 16,000-liter fermenters to produce enzymes for industrial use. The Bacillus cultures had been growing for two days when the cells in one of the fermenters lysed. Explain what happened in this fermenter. The phospholipid bilayer is important to living cells as it enables cell coagulation and provides living cells with the ability to sense and react to the

Sunday, July 28, 2019

American Airport Security Vs Japan Airport Security Essay

American Airport Security Vs Japan Airport Security - Essay Example The question raised is whether this machine can detect explosives hidden in private areas. Some of the passengers strictly object to the pat downs in addition to the WBI scan as the agent has to come in intimate contact with the passenger. After the heartening incident of 9/11, there were several short term regulations introduced but the more important ones were the long term changes. Immediate consequence was the background check of more than 750 000 airport employees, placement of a larger number of investigative staff, extensive search and scanning of all the checked baggage. Under the more long term effects, the passengers are now more closely restricted to the amount of baggage and hand carry they can take with them. Addition of new agencies to overlook the security enhancements was inevitable. As much as the vehicles arriving at the airport are meticulously checked and rechecked, no matter if they are to see the passengers off or to receive them. The security systems are proving to be costly in Japan. As they have privately owned security companies, it is getting difficult for them to afford such a high cost flight. Every year advanced technology is introduced to avoid such attacks, and it is getting more difficu lt every year for passengers to travel confidently. They get conscious about carrying things with them. These security measures are getting on nerves of passengers, but they are the things which have to be looked after. Entire crews of airports are highly trained and strictly ordered to take actions against any kind misbehavior or suspicion.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Labor Law And National Labor Relations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Labor Law And National Labor Relations - Essay Example This essay discusses that the same act was held in a ruling made by the Sacramento County Superior Court in Ralphs Grocery Co. v United Food and Commercial Workers Union Local 8. The union agents had peacefully staged a picket for five days a week, eight hours per day on the sidewalk apron of Ralph store, which is a private property. They walked back and forth in front of the store’s doors, waving placards and handing out flyers. This was meant to discourage people from shopping in the shop on the ground that its employees were not unionized.The picketers ignored Ralph request to relocate to a distance away from the store. This went on for almost nine months prompting Ralph to file a complaint about trespass against the union in Sacramento County Superior Court. The grocery shops the capability to request an injunction against the protesters who were trespassing in front of its stores in the name of picketing. The board seeks compliance with provisions of NLRA, especially in s ections 7 and 8. It orders Shirelle Company to reinstate the five dismissed workers, start collective bargaining process with the workers and recognize the union as the legal representative body of the employees. The National Labor Relations Act of 1935 protects the welfare and interests of both the unionized and the non-unionized workers. The Board, therefore, holds that the employees in Shirelle Company are protected by the Act and the company has no option but to comply with the relevant provisions concerning staff welfare.... Their main desire was to have the employer afford them and their fellow workers good working conditions. In this case, the Board was of the opinion that even one employee acting solely can satisfy the concerted requirement. It further held that the striking workers had the right to express their dissatisfaction with the working conditions provided by the employer. The board considers this as one of the precedents in resolving the matter of Shirelle and the five dismissed workers. Issues to be resolved Shirelle Company has been in operation since 1983, a cool 27 years without a trade union for the employees. They have a good number of workers who are in charge of various departments within the company. However, the owners, Olga and Gregor Flambe, who are jointly responsible for the labor relations and personnel have not yet registered their employees in any trade union. The company which has been operating for a long time with no trade union for its 40 plus staff has not given the emp loyee the freedom to exercise their rights. The company instead has taken the mandate of resolving labor related disputes using its own mechanisms. This is in contravention of NLRA section 8 (a) 2 where the issue of representation of workers issues is placed under employee led unions, and not company dominated labor organizations. In the Electromation case, the electric company had requested the employees to form committees to deal with their concerns, knowing very well that the committees dominated by the employer do are in contravention of the National Labor Relations Act. In the Electromation, Inc v. NLRB, 35 1148 [1994], the court found out that the initial creation, the structure, and the administration was considerably under the control of the

Friday, July 26, 2019

Marketing Plan - pricing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Marketing Plan - pricing - Essay Example The article overall was a good read, and provided much insight into the paths and steps a company should take when trying to price their item, and how they should expect each different scenario to play out for them depending on their pricing actions. 2. The item I have chosen is the Nintendo Wii video game console. While it did not create a market in of itself, its blue ocean strategy has changed the video game market currently, if not forever. The first two years of its life it was most certainly in the Markey introduction stage, with Nintendo using all sorts of press and a hand on approach to try to get as many people as possible to try out and believe in their new product. Now however it seems to be in the growth stage, with sales numbers skyrocketing unlike anything a video game console has ever seen before. Product is still hard to find in many markets, and public awareness is huge with all the publicity and good press the system has been getting as of late. I believe Nintendo now needs to prepare for it to continue into its mature stage, and be ready to cut costs or make any other marketing plans for the future of its success video game system.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

What do The Bell Jar and Catcher in the Rye identify as the main Essay

What do The Bell Jar and Catcher in the Rye identify as the main concerns of the 1950s for young people - Essay Example Holden Caulfield, the protagonist of Catcher in the Rye and Esther, the protagonist of The Bell Jar are characters deeply rooted in this conflicting and confusing time. It is probably no accident, then, that both these characters seek professional help in dealing with what may be madness or insanity, or what must may be the stress of living in a time that is not easily understood or explained. Women in America went to work after the bombing of Pearl Harbor and the entry into World War II, and many of them decided that they liked it; American men took it upon themselves in the 1950s to attempt the enforced removal repression of that desire to remain at work. Until America joined the war to fight the dreaded Hun (and the Japanese) in the latter part of 1941, women as a rule really hadn’t had much of a choice in terms of vocation. Unless they were raised on the farm, women basically had the choice of becoming a wife and possibly mother, or, if they desired to enter the work force, taking a job in one of the male-approved female jobs such as secretary or nursing. With the depletion of male work force into the service from 1941 to 1945, women all over the country got a taste of what it was like to work in a variety of jobs ranging from factory worker to professionals. As Tucker writes, women in the 40s were â€Å"commonly portrayed as performing her patriotic duty†”taking a job so that a man could fight† (18). The symbol of the American woman’s liberation was Rosie the Riveter and Hollywood applauded the working woman throughout the films of the early 40s. The only problem is that once the men came home and got their jobs back, many women were not expressing the jubilation of going back home that was expected. Esther’s alienation in The Bell Jar and Holden’s somewhat paternalistic attitude toward women reflect the confusion and tumult

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Preferred management decision case study - Logistics of International

Preferred management decision - Logistics of International workers to Mitigate Ebola epidemics - Case Study Example Currently, some parts in West Africa are currently fighting the deadly Ebola virus that has so far resulted in the death of approximately 5,000 people. Many international organisations are sending their workers to help in offering health care services to people affected by these Ebola virus in the countries affected in West Africa (Baas, 2012; Bueche, 2004). International health care workers are playing an important role in ensuring that people in these regions are isolated to prevent further prevalence of the disease, and those already diagnosed with the virus get necessary medication before they are deeply affected (Parker & International, 2003; Hirschmann, 2007). In sending their workers to these countries, organisations are faced with many considerations before making his important decision in the interest of their workers and people in countries affected by the virus. This paper examines some of the management decisions that human resources managers in international organisations sending their workers to Ebola infected countries in parts of West Africa. It focuses in the effect that various management decisions over the welfare of its workers are being arrived at. As pointed, management of workers is an important function of human resource management in any organization (Gilmore, 2009). In this case, the organisation has to put the interest of its workers ahead of its functions. The organisation has to consider its future activities when deciding on the way to manage its workers in the face of the need to take care of people in the Ebola infected country. It is always important that an organisation focus on its future functions before deciding on the strategies to use in the management of its workers. Faced by the dilemma of sending workers back to the United States and the cost implications, the organisation has to consider some of the following important aspects. First, the health of the workers is

Statistics Term Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Statistics Term Paper - Essay Example Interpretation of data and results is one fundamental concern of using statistics in the fields of business and economics. One important statistical tool that for many years has become proven to help businessmen and economists is the analysis of variance (ANOVA). Analysis of variance is a significant component of inferential statistics and it tries to measure the difference between two or more independent groups or variables. In this paper, the proponent tries to discuss ANOVA as a significant statistical tool for business and economics especially in inferential statistics and in tests of difference for three or more independent groups, variables or data. Analysis and interpretation of data are important roles associated with inferential statistics. This statistics has different statistical tools or test for the analysis of interval, ratio, nominal and ordinal data. For making inferences from or conclusions on larger groups or populations, or even in generalizing information gathered in one or more samples, inferential statistics has been proven effective in doing so. The goodness of samples is very important to consider in order so as to ensure effectiveness of inferential statistics. In addition, sampling techniques or procedures are necessary or of great importance prior to the use of inferential statistical tools. In reality, the only way to find what specific tool in inferential statistics is necessary for any research problems or studies depends on the nature of data. It is in this reason that inferential statistics is subdivided into two groups: parametric and non-parametric tests. Non-parametric tests are tests that do not require normal distribution and they utilize both nominal and ordinal data (Bajpai 678). One could say that the distribution is not normal when the value of skewness is either positive or negative. Skewness is positive when the mean is greater than the median and

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Business Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 5

Business Management - Essay Example When compared to large numbers of changes occurred over the last few decades in technology, lifestyle etc. the management system and concepts across the world seem to have evolved a little change (Hamel and Breen, 2007, p. 4). Bateman and Snell (p. 14) stated that business management is the process in which managers are to work with people and other resources with a view to accomplish organizational goals both effectively and efficiently. Efficiency is related to achieving organizational goals with minimal waste of resources by making best possible use of people, time, money and materials. Effectiveness refers to achieving organizational goals in a way that desired and expected results are gained. Managing a business takes a number of different segments and sections such as human resource management, financial management, marketing management, knowledge management, total quality management and so on. Since the contemporary business contexts are influenced by major economic and market forces such as globalization, technology advances, competition etc. organizations are increasingly giving importance to certain management segments so as to maintain competitive advantage and to compete with other market players. As management is basically the process of managing resources in a firm and getting things done through people, process or technology, different organizations follow different management styles. The management process in a business organization is comprised of the very basic four elements such as planning and strategizing, organizing, leading and controlling and decision making (Gomez, Mejia and Balkin, p. 5). These basic four elements are typically very prominent at almost all different organizations and these are widely used worldwide for effectively managing the resources. These four basic components of management are also the key elements in all other

Monday, July 22, 2019

Preference Share and Convertible Note Essay Example for Free

Preference Share and Convertible Note Essay The issue to be considered here is if the legal form of a preference share or a convertible note is paramount or more important than all other things? I do believe this statement is not appropriate and the substance of a preference share or a convertible note is more important than the legal form. Body From the perspective of users, the disclosure in financial statements is the most vital approach to provide information about the financial position, performance and changes in financial position of the reporting entity. As the equity and the liability always lead to different effects to the reporting entity, so the disclosure of the equity and the liability could lead to users’ different decisions. Therefore, when classifying the equity and the liability, the reporting entity should adhere to the principle of substance over form in AASB Framework para. 35. Based on the above statement, some analysis of this case are as follow: 1. As shown in AASB 132 para. AG25, preference shares, which are redeemable on a specific date or at the option of the holder, should be classified as liabilities rather than equity, and the reason is that the issuer has an obligation to transfer assets to the holder of the preference shares; however, preference shares, which are redeemable at the option of the issuer, should be classified as equity rather than liabilities, since there has no obligations for the issuer to transfer assets to the shareholder. AASB 132 para. AG25 and AG26 also outline that, the classification for non- redeemable preference shares is based on the substance of the arrangement or the rights attach to the shares, rather than the legal form. 2. As shown in Framework, the convertible notes would be classified as equity if conversion to equity is the probable outcome, while the convertible notes would be classified as liabilities if redemption at maturity is the probable outcome. Or as shown in AASB 132 para. 29, convertible notes should be classified separately based on two components: liabilities, since convertible notes are contractual arrangements to deliver cash or another financial asset; and equity, since convertible notes are call options granting the holder the right, for a specified period of time, to convert it into a fixed number of ordinary shares of the entity. In addition, AASB 132 para. AG32 illustrate  that n conversion of a convertible instrument at maturity, the entity derecognizes the liability component and recognizes it as equity, and the original equity component remains as equity. Conclusion Base on the above analysis, I do believe that this statement in this is not appropriate. Since when classified a preference share or a convertible note, according to AASB Framework and AASB standards, the substance over form.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Role Of English As A Foreign Language Education Essay

Role Of English As A Foreign Language Education Essay Algeria is an African multilingual country with one official language called Modern Standard Arabic and more than two foreign languages French, English, Spanish, etc. It is a country whose contributions and all interests are now in how to improve foreign languages for specific purposes particularly English so as to prove its position as a powerful and important country across the world. Today, the role of English as a foreign language (henceforth EFL) in the world is influenced by many factors such as business, cultural, political and educational factors. The latter is the main factor which plays, now, strongly a major role to pull a lot of attention in the decision of the Algerian educational authorities to know how to deal with the positive qualities EFL has in undertaking methods and approaches as parts of reforms in order to improve English teaching and learning as it is in developed countries. Hence, the questions to be raised, here, are how to deal with the qualities EFL has with non-native speakers and what significant scientific contribution EFL gives to non-mother country (Algeria)? And what are the suggested approaches and methods the Algerian educational authorities make to improve and work with this language? Answering to the questions above, the Algerian educational leaders started to improve and hold tightly EFL by shifting from traditional methods to modern to say to the world that we are able, as a multilingual developing country, to make EFL as a second Language major and significant in our schools and university and then be present everywhere across the globe. This challenge remind us about some debate on teaching EFL in developing countries as an insignificant contribution, by African designers, to knowledge and production(Graddol 2006, Batibo 2007) and Phillipson (1996) who had observed, after the independence of some developing countries , that those who were first responsible for making English official, major, developed and significant are African leaders; For example, the case of English Language Teaching (ELT) in Algerian schools after independence. ELT in Algeria was denied and insignificant before the independence in comparison with French. Because the French language was taught in schools as SL (second language) due to the consequences of the French occupation in Algeria that was the longest period of colonization which took a long time from 1830 till 1962. Thus French became as an official language in the Algerian institutions. Andrew Freeman (1961:1) confirms what we are saying about French as SL in the following quotation  « The French, in Algeria, between 1830 and 1962; tried actively to suppress Arabic. The French influence resulted in many different levels and mainly the linguistic level. The latter reflected the impact of the French language on Algerians who were being forced to speak French and then obliged to learn it in schools, but prior to independence and after 1990s a new revolution came to the surface and the Algerian authoritarians started new relations with USA to give some importance to English as an essen tial medium to be integrated in the Algerian schools. In the beginning, English was taught in middle and secondary schools to students from the eight classes in the middle school to the third classes of the secondary school up to 2005. English at that time had not been being perfectly taught in Algeria in comparison with some developing countries. By the time, because English has become a lingua franca (henceforth ELF), which is defined functionally by its use in intercultural communication, English as a global language (e.g. Crystal 2003; Gnutvzmann 1999), English as a world language (e.g. Mair 2003) and World English (Brutt-Griffler 2002) English as an international language (EIL) becomes influencing force everywhere across the world. Due to these facts of the current situation of English, Algerian Government decides to go through changes in various fields to hold and improve this global language in higher studies. Among these changes are implementation of policies made in education related to new approaches and system were brought to Algerian institutions such as LMD System and competency based approach (henceforth CBA) in primary and secondary schools. CBA approach has been brought to the Algerian schools in 2002 as a new approach and a part of reform in the primary, middle and secondary school. It has been imposed as a primary part of reform and complimentary to LMD reform on EFL teacher. To make CBA approach successful, the education minister mobilized all responsible for schools (primary, middle and secondary) to follow the CBA implementation. Moreover, Algerian ministry contribute, morally and financially, to give all opportunities and provide all those who are responsible for helping teachers and students with materials needed and equipments to be familiar with CBA success in the classroom. Thus, inspectors spent much time and money for making seminars in all over the country to instruct and correct the teachers ways in the teaching of English language and following the planning of English curriculum. In addition to the CBA, the LMD reform is also brought to the Algerian university in 2003 to continue the correctness of the teaching of English. In this work, we shall focus on some changes of approaches and systems such as LMD to see whether it is towards a more communicative use of English as a second language and a more focus on English language teaching. ELT is not easy responsibility for EFL teachers to teaching all of the students assigned to a classroom in university. The latter becomes, now, the world question in holding English as an international language which becomes increasingly important and required in Algeria in the last decade. Nowadays, there are much debate on what is teaching and how it becomes in the twentieth century, some people say that teaching is a creative way to become joined with and support others to help all learners learn. Others say that without teaching learning is not a way to make teachers and students more efficient. McKay (2002) says, The teaching and learning of an international language must be based on an entirely different set of assumptions than the teaching and learning of any other second and foreign language. McKay (2002:1) This quotation makes us ask the following questions: 1-How should English be taught under LMD system as a challenging language in Algeria? (Our focus in this work). 2- What purpose of learning English should we achieve? (That is what we are looking for) 3- Can we be best English teachers? (This is our hypotheses to be proved) According to the questions above, we begin to analyze these issues regarding the role of English in our own lives and in our society. We first start by looking at EF L teachers role, i.e. how do they play a central role in the teaching of English language perfectly? How do they apply the instructions given to teach English and how to be responsible for motivating their students to learn? It is essential that teachers themselves are aware of the way they are following to go through the four skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing including pronunciation, grammar, vocabulary, and spelling all contribute to effective English communication. The much attention we give to each skill area is due to the teachers and learners competence and their needs. In addition, teachers should be adjusted in the light of the current status of English in the world. As Parker Palmer (1998: 308) points out, When I do not know myself, I cannot know who my students are. I will see them through a glass darkly, in the shadows of my unexamined life and when I cannot see them clearly, I cannot teach them well. Parker Palmer (1998: 308) It is clear to know how able we, as teachers, are to make our students understand and know ourselves in society as well as we can understand from P. Palmer the relative position and attention given to English has been considered and examined from ideological and cultural or political standpoints rather than pedagogical concerns. The latter is very important point to discuss in accordance with our situation as Algerian EFL teachers. Unfortunately, with the classical system we, cannot be adjusted in the light of the current status of English in Algeria because, up to 2005, there are many obstacles and factors make our EFL teachers incapable to make all students understand such as: 1-The number of students is overmuch in a class (40 50) 2- Insufficient communicative activities use for teaching English language skills such as reading, listening, writing, grammar, etc. 3- Inadequately equipped classrooms and the lack of ICTs use. 4- The impact of a social factor on EFL teachers as well as learners 5- Being authoritarian traditional teachers 6- Being passive traditional learners. 7- Being too shy to speak English in the classroom. 8-The impact of mother tongue (L1) on students and some teachers pronunciation too Due to some deficiencies mentioned above, the Algerian government started rebuilding the skeleton of university which is the image of the country abroad. So since 2OO1, the ministry of higher education has decided to diagnose the situation in order to provide immediate and sustainable solutions for university and here a new Algerian university system has imposed itself. Following the recommendations of the National Committee of the education reform, a reform plan was adopted by the Cabinet in April 30, 2002 and the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research has adopted a ten-year strategy to develop the sector for the period 2004-2013, one of whose main themes is The development and implementation of an overall and deep reform of higher education, the first step is the establishment of a new architectural educations, including an updating and upgrading of various educational programs, and a reorganization of the educational management. Thus, the choice goes towards the new BMD: Bachelor-Master-Doctorate system, or LMD ( Licence, Master and Doctorate) as it is known, to meet the expectations of society and also to be in conc ordance with the new guidelines and global trends in higher education. This system examines, evaluates and improves the way the teachers and learners are following now to better and develop their English. It also defines the ways and means to teach study and evaluate differently in higher education. It aims to motivating and enabling students across the world by allowing diplomas to be compared and become equivalent to European diplomas, developing the professionalization of higher education whilst preserving the general interest nature of the teaching, to strengthening the learning of transverse skills such as fluency in foreign modern languages and computer skills encouraging the students mobility and encouraging the students access to the world of work in Europe allowing the student to build up a personalized education plan gradually. Because English is too challenging for us and becoming the most dominant and useful language among many European languages, our governments has adopted many systems (policies) that promote ELT in Algeria. At present, English is considered as a foreign language that is offered as a required subject at all levels of higher education in university. In order to understand and recognize that the introduction of English language into the Algerian educational system lead us to have part in the globalization, our government made huge effort to change the policies that have been being followed in 1900s. For instance, at the level of university, the LMD system is about a new approach based on the Communicative Approach that has been implemented in the Algerian university almost in all subjects and specialties, as we have already said above. LMD system has been introduced into our universities by August 2003 to make changes in syllabuses and curriculum development in order to reduce and overcome the difficulties and the obstacles cited (see page 5) and make English teaching and learning successful under the new system LMD. As well, to achieve good results, EFL university teachers must be ready to change from traditional teacher to modern changing the traditional approaches into more communicative innovative activities to teaching to what extent we pay much attention to the four skills perfectly. On the one hand, the changes made and brought to universities contribute to achieve success in teaching and learning languages. On the other hand, there are many different reasons for changes, so too are there many different kinds, or levels, of change that can take place in globalization. Interestingly, in Algeria there are changes towards teaching English more explicitly, and with more of a focus on form. Furthermore, nowadays, the emphasis is on to what extent do systems and approaches impact, positively, on ELT to improve EFL students levels in order to get much knowledge and then achieve perfect English to securing their jobs through acknowledged degrees and high levels of employment because the spread of joblessness across the world particularly in Algeria have upset authorities. From the various opinions of learners, even longer studies are not an end in themselves everyone now understands that schools and universities are the first starting point for everyone desires to realize any project. Aiming to get higher studies is simply a means to access better jobs likely to lead to higher social status (profession, security, wage, etc.). For that reason, English language becomes, for EFL students, a dominant subject, an international language and a means for getting job easily. It is now required, across the globe, and important for the Algerian learners and/or job seekers. The question then is what concrete roles does English development give to the EFL LMD students in the Algerian university? Coleman (2010) addresses a similar question by reviewing the functions of English as a foreign language in development. He refers to four areas where English has often been given a role to play: 1-for employability 2-for international mobility 3-for unlocking development opportunities and accessing information 4- as an impartial language. These four points must find an answer in the implementation of LMD systems results. Thus, the present work study is devoted to overcome the difficulties and problems Algerian teachers and learners are encountering in acquiring English language for specific purpose. The latter has been conducted by many researches to discuss the various problems that Arab universities encounter and mainly Algerian university. These kinds of problems refer to their ability as teachers or their competence in transmitting skills. Mukattash (1983) divides the problem that learners of English encounter into problems of pronunciation, spelling, morphology and syntax at the level of university as well students or learners unable to express themselves that what makes difficulties spread. For Mukattash the students major difficulties arise from the fact that they cannot use English correctly and appropriately in and out the classroom when required; he says: Comfortably and efficiently either when dealing with academic topics or common everyday topics (1983:169). What we can understand by the difficulty of English efficiency is related to the students deficiencies in communicative competence and self -confidence. Consequently, to face these kinds of problems of communicative competence, Ministry and educational experts run to find solutions to these problems by changing the strategies and encourage the training abroad that gives the learners a good knowledge and culture as well as make them confident. The queries to be raised here are how universities could be developed into places where advanced knowledge was disseminated and what are the strategies and the reforms are going to be followed. It is only recently that universities have become the almost systematic pragmatics, looking for motivation and aptitude for higher and perfect studies. As a main part of this work, we have also shed light on another part of reform which is called ICT (information, communication and technology). It also impacts on our understanding in the teaching and learning of English language through changes. According to many linguists, the use and integration of ICT might indeed provide students with much information in learning E L (henceforth English language) competency as well as make better and more attractive the quality of EFL teachers and students learning under LMD and CBA experience. They approve that the use of ICT becomes an effective medium to better and develop the English language. As well, ICT helps in the use of interactive lessons through the four skills to speed up the teaching and learning of English perfectly. Moreover, the impact of the use of ICT on teaching and learning is a promising scope of interest for researchers in various disciplines such as mathematics, informatics, education and sports, literature, English studies or teaching foreign languages and so forth. The latter becomes one area where ICTs influence is widely investigated. In a special report, (International Certificate Conference, 2002), devoted to the impact of Information and Communication Technologies on teaching foreign languages and on the role of foreign language teachers in Europe, the term ICT includes technologies in which the computer or laptop plays a central role, for example, Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL), the Internet, and a variety of generic computer applications. To reinforce what has been said in (2002), in (2003) Carmen et al say that integrating ICT tools in teaching can lead to increased students learning competencies and increased opportunities for communication and it is a rapid development in the learning and teaching of foreign languages more particularly English. Nowadays, the rapid developments and the frequent use of ICTS in Algerian society is not only impact on a quick computing discourse has generated linguistic convergence it is also the focus on the use of ICT in schools and universities. The latter now require much availability of computers provided with the net/ internet because they become a support for learning and teaching any discipline and mainly languages. Thus, the use of ICT in both education and higher education becomes an important element in the Algerian governments strategy to reinforce and ensure the effectiveness of systems implementation such as LMD in higher education. Higher education goes with the ICTs use which becoming more important to contribute to the growth and development of learning and teaching in the 21st century. In this part, we highlight the effectiveness of ICT in higher education and we seek to explore how it will impact on the way courses will be given to learners and delivered in the universities. Having spoken on the whole study work, generally, leads us to think of the following: Statement of the problem Through our experience of more than 5 years of teaching English under the new system LMD at the University of Mostaganem, we have noticed changes in the attitudes of our students and teachers towards LMD system. Students come to university with no idea about LMD; the only idea they have had in mind is the CBA approach which is implemented in 2002 in the secondary school. They have already been familiar with the competency based approach in undertaking all kind of new tasks, techniques and methods given to be applied. The questions to be raised here are as follows: Is there any relation between LMD and CBA reforms? To what extent can the LMD system contribute positively or negatively to teaching and learning foreign languages mainly the English language? Does ICT contribute to enhance ELT? If yes how? Are all teachers familiar with ICT? If yes or no why? Are all teachers familiar with ICT? If yes or no why? Pragmatically speaking how is the relationship between CBA, LMD and ICT in use? Hypotheses On the basis of what have been preceded, we are going to formulate the following hypotheses: 1. In relation to CBA, would LMD system respond to the students and teachers needs in mastering English? 2. Would curriculum development in the new implementation system such as LMD and CBA fit the world demand in education? 3. Must all teachers and leaders use ICT to enhance foreign languages/ English? The organization of the research Our doctoral research revolves around five chapters. The first chapter is devoted to talk about a broad review of the relevant literature relating to the fundamental concepts of teaching and learning theories, ending up with some clarifications about what is curriculum including the various systems that have been implemented in teaching languages such as LMD system and the CBA approach . In chapter two, research methodology, we are going to present first an introduction to what is qualitative research and then describe the steps of the techniques used, starting with the review of some definitions given about the qualitative research methodology, we have read and summarized, ending with our illustration of the experience we have undertaken during our investigation. .i.e. the discussion of the importance and objectives of qualitative research methods we have undergone. Chapter Three is devoted to the main changes, LMD system and CBA approach, which took place in the educational system in the Algerian university. Chapter Four is devoted to talk about the impact of the ICTS on these changes or reforms, LMD system and CBA approach. Chapter five presents the analysis of data collected from questionnaires and then discusses the results. Finally in the general conclusion, we try to summarize all what have been preceded and said before to suggest some solutions or hypothesis to avoid failure in education and give much importance and attention to LMD, ICT, CBA and curriculum development to make higher studies successful and effective in the teaching of the English language..

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Professionalism and Ethics in Counselling

Professionalism and Ethics in Counselling My understanding of professionalism is having the discipline to be aware of and work to a set of values made up of legal statutes, of professional body frameworks and guidelines and of employer policies, frameworks and guidelines, which together detail expected conduct. Those statutes, policies, frameworks and guidelines should be used to identify roles and responsibilities which in turn define boundaries. The British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP), of which I am a student member, is the largest professional body in the UK for counselling and psychotherapy and lays down what standards of conduct counsellors, service users and the public expect at a national level. If a counsellor or therapist is a member of a professional body, he or she will be bound by a code of professional ethics framework or in the case of the BACP, the ethical framework†¦it recognises that choices are often not clear-cut, and that sometimes difficult decisions need to be made that, even when taken in good faith, may have unpredictable and unwanted outcomes (Merry, 2002:11) Professionalism and ethics both relate to proper conduct. I view the ethical framework as a list of qualities for how the counsellor should be and a list of behaviours for what the counsellor should do and not do. Examples of the desired attitudes include possessing empathy, sincerity, integrity, resilience, respect, humility, competence, fairness, wisdom and courage. Examples of the desired behaviours include fidelity, autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, justice and self-respect. The BACP produced the ethical framework to protect both the client and counsellor through good practice in counselling and psychotherapy. It sets out a series of professional and personal values, underlying principles and moral qualities which reflect my attributes as a trainee counsellor in order to promote a safe and professional environment, one where I could enable clients to allow trust to develop within our relationship. I abide by the BACP guidance on good practice which is concerned with client safety, counsellor responsibility and accountability, clear contracting and my competence as a trainee counsellor. It provides information for what counsellors are expected to do and sanctions for consequences of malpractice. I have chosen a hypothetical ethical dilemma, albeit a realistic one, relevant to my chosen placement at The Truce YMCA in Lancaster. A sixteen year old female client presents with news of her parents having separated two weeks previously. She lives with her mum who is drinking excessive amounts of alcohol and who is not coping with the day to day duties of looking after the clients nine year old brother, who is now mostly in the clients care. No other meals are being provided other than school dinners and no money is being allocated to them for food. Last night the clients mum pushed the client against the wall and the client has a head injury. The client asks me not to tell anyone. The ethical dilemma here is that my client has disclosed a Child Protection issue and asked me to maintain the confidentiality aspect of the contract. There are several implications, professionally I must breach confidentiality as there would be no way that I could hold that information, my integrity would be conflicted. I would have a professional obligation that would be impossible for me to ignore. However, by breaching confidentiality this could have severe consequences for the client, myself (our relationship), and the clients family. A question I need to ask myself is: What are our statutory duties and responsibilities? We  have a duty under the Children Act 1989 to safeguard and protect children who may be suffering from abuse. This may be physical, sexual, emotional or as a result of neglect date accessed, 21st April 2010 The YMCA has put together a procedure flow chart and as part of my training I have been made aware of it. It is a clear example of my role, responsibilities and boundaries. Safeguarding means doing everything you can to protect children and young people from harm. A safeguard is a measure to help reduce the risk of children and young people being harmed. date accessed, 19th April 2010 The disclosure demands to be sensitively, sincerely and respectfully explored in order to honour the principle of non-maleficence because every child matters. As a trainee counsellor I have an ethical responsibility to strive to mitigate any harm caused to a client even when the harm is unavoidable or unintended (BACP, 2007:03) There are several implications: I am aware that the principle of fidelity requires a responsibility to honour the trust that has been placed in me as a trainee counsellor and that how I move the process forward from this point could alter how the client and I may or may not work together in the future. Without confidentiality and empathy there is potential to harm the relationship, and as Bond (1993:46) states that, responsibilities to the client are the foremost concern of the counsellor. The justification of counselling rests on this work being undertaken in a counsellor-client relationship. Where as a trainee counsellor can I find guidance on consent and disclosure? I could check against the BACP guidelines, with my casework supervisor, my managerial supervisor, the agencies codes of practice and policies, my tutors and Social Services. To avoid the possibility of prosecution I need to respect my role and abide by the BACP guidance on good practice which is concerned with client safety, counsellor responsibility and accountability, clear contracting and my competence as a trainee counsellor. Professional accountability is also key in ensuring public protection and allows the Profession to move forward enjoying the public confidence in the services provided 4th February 2010 The principle of beneficence involves acting in the clients best interest and maintaining the standards of competence and knowledge expected for members who continue to both personally and professionally develop by using supervision for support. As I am working within an agency I am expected, as a member of the BACP, to have ongoing regular supervision for my work with a clinical supervisor and with my managerial supervisor. Supervisors, managers and counsellors have a responsibility to maintain and enhance good practice, to protect clients from poor practice (promoting their wellbeing) and for the counsellor to acquire the attitudes, skills and knowledge required for each of their roles raising awareness and ensuring the fair treatment of all clients and the uniqueness of individual people regarding culture differences, gender or disabilities which involves the principle respect of justice. When considering what action to take the first step I would take would be to explore what the client had told me by clarifying what had been said in order to check out my understanding with the client. It is important to identify that there is a problem and if so I would then work out whose problem it was and in this case it would be the clients. Yet I would be responsible to her, myself and accountable up the chain of command within the organisation. By setting the contract provided by The YMCA clearly so that it is understood by the client there is less chance of misunderstandings and more chance of boundaries being clear at the onset. The agreement of a contract protects both the client and the counsellor. It proves that each party has agreed their responsibilities and boundaries and that they each know where they stand in the counselling process in relation to their obligations to each other. I would need to refer back to the initial contract to remind the client about our agreement that would be in place between us. I would have competently explained at the time that should harm to self or others be disclosed to me that I would need to breach confidentiality. I would use appropriate language for a sixteen year old to understand and include her in the process. I would respect the principle of respect for autonomy by discussing the necessity of safeguarding her, protecting her and her younger brother and, with her consent, chec king whether the child protection officer would be available to enter the room to work it through all together by understanding my job roles and responsibilities and working within my training and experience competently I could deliver a professional level of service that promotes safety and both at the same time being fully aware that she has choices and human rights too. Although I could have a conflict of interest in that I would have to breach confidentiality†¦ Human Rights Act 1998 Article 8.1 Everyone has the right to respect for his private and family life, his home and his correspondence. Article 8.2 There shall be no interference by a public authority with the exercise of this right except as such as in accordance with the law and is necessary in a democratic society in the interests of national security, public safety or the economic well-being of the country, for the prevention of disorder or crime, for the protection of health or morals, or for the protection of the rights and freedoms of others (Bond, 2010:158). †¦I would protect myself from litigation as I have a duty to observe the Code of Professional Conduct and the other guidelines issued by the BACP. Not all laws are perfect, the problem is that laws are often generalised and open to some interpretation and thats where they can be exploited. The law regarding sixteen year olds (child versus Gillick competent versus adult) and the obligation of Social Services to look after somebody until eighteen years of age is not black and white. Somebody planning to go to the Dignitas clinic in Switzerland to end their life is within their own rights and it would be an example of a case where a counsellor could respect the clients dignity. At the first available chance I had I would follow the example of a child protection form, from my safeguarding policy and guidelines provided by the organisation and make very clear, accurate, brief, factual notes of who said what, when it was said, where it was said and the nature of the concern. I would bear in mind that the notes could be read by the client herself and if I was required to write a report for court I would be aware that I have not been trained to write such a report and seek advice. According to Pollecoff, et al. (2002:58) Counsellors and psychotherapists are in a unique position when asked to give evidence†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦unlike other professionals, they do not necessarily keep detailed notes of each session held with a client†¦Problems can arise regarding client confidentiality in the context of presenting reports or giving evidence. I would file the notes confidentially and each client has a code to be used for anonymity purposes, store for six months, once the case is closed, then they are destroyed. Bond (2010:158) suggests The Data Protection Act 1998†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦covers a wide range of requirements to do with record-keeping. I would call my case supervisor and I would explain what has happened, what I did (discussed with line manager and or referral to Child Protection Officer etc.) and ask him if there is anything else I should have done or could do. Working within a multi agency can be useful as it can meet the needs of young people more effectively. Confidentiality procedures are in place and consent must be given by the person concerned and must be present when consented information is shared. There are exceptional circumstances. At the same time how I present myself and interact with people (language, appearance, actions and interactions) influence impressions. There are informal expectations and continuing with both professional and personal development (supervision). Questions like What does the BACP say about this? are what I need to ask myself in during my evaluation in order to do the right thing and knowing how important it is to not do the wrong thing because that could cause damage to more than the client in the room. I hope that I have demonstrated that I understand that there is a need to act within the law at all times but in a way that provides as much support and protection as possible towards the client first and foremost, towards myself and towards the organisational structure and the profession itself. It is not always a case of knowing what to do to as an expert, but it seems to be a case of knowing what to do next and who to go to in order to get the answers needed.

gene therapy :: essays research papers

Gene Therapy is hope or disaster for Human Being? ◊Introduction   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  DNA determines the placement of amino acids according to DNA sequences. A specific chain of amino acids composes a specific protein that plays the essential functions in the bodies. The defect of the gene, however, results in producing wrong protein; as a result, some part of the bodies abnormally works compared to that of other normal bodies. This is called ?gGenetic Disorder?h. The scientists studied about genetic disorder and suggested an alternative for genetic disorder called ?gGene Therapy?h. Recently, gene therapy is useful to cure other diseases such as a cancer or other. ( ) ◊History of Gene Therapy David suffered from a rare inherited disease known as adenosine deaminase deficiency (ADA). He spent all his life in a germ-free plastic bubble, because gene causes a lack of enzyme that helps immune system to fight disease from outside. In 1984, he received a bone marrow transplant. Unfortunately, cells from donator?fs marrow attacked his body. As a result, he was died after a year. This event was a big issue at that time and scientists studied gene therapy to stop this bad event. In 1989, at first, W.French Anderson and a team at the National Institutes of Health gained permission for experiment to inject gene into human beings. In 1900, at first, he applied gene therapy to 4 year girl who suffered from adenosine deaminase deficiency (ADA). He extracted T- lymphocytes from her bloodstream and injected gene-corrected T lymphocytes to her with a normal gene function for ADA; then he repeated a few times more. After a year, she lives as a normal kid. Her treatment was successful. In 1 991, 9 years old girl was applied to this gene therapy and her treatment was also successful. (, Mapping our genes by Lois Wingerson, Medical Dilemma by Margaret O.Hyde& Elizabeth H. Forsyth. M.D.) ◊Gene Therapy Today, basic theory of gene therapy is that normal gene is inserted into genome to replace disease caused gene. The gene by itself, however, is almost impossible to get the target cell. To deliver gene successfully, a carrier called vector is necessary and virus is good for delivering gene, because virus genetically approaches human genes. Virus, however, can have a potential toxic or respond a massive immune system. In fact, some people died because of that. For this reason, scientists tried to find replacement of virus as vector. The most common virus for vector is adenovirus that causes cold.

Friday, July 19, 2019

An Analysis on Information Technologies: Fahrenheit 451 :: essays research papers

The idea of a controlling society set in the future is not a foreign concept to the realms of science-fiction. Technology is often utilized in these stories to control the populace under one vision of a perfect world. In George Orwell’s acclaimed novel 1984, the government of Oceania used “telescreens'; that displayed propaganda and censored news in addition to their role as cameras which relayed information back to the Ministry of Love. This constant surveillance provided assurance that the citizens put the needs of the state before themselves. In Phillip K. Dick’s Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, the police precinct of Los Angeles utilized retinal scanning machines to determine the sincerity of the person’s thoughts during routine lie detector tests. These measures perpetuated that the dream of only socially accepted, pure humans holding high statuses. Even in Oshii Mamoru’s Jin-Roh, the National Security Division utilized high-tech heavily armed and armored Capital Police to annihilate non-conformists. The aid of technology assisted all of these fictitious societies in their pursuit of utopia. Ray Bradbury chose for Fahrenheit 451 to have a futuristic and technologically advanced setting to speak in outrage against the possible corruption of technology due to totalitarian abuse. Perhaps science fiction writers speak of one of the greatest fears humans possess, the masking of the truth. The ideology of the control society, deviant thought hinders progression towards a flawless civilization, supports the growth of information concealing technologies to eradicate such “dangerous thought';. The flamethrower, the instrument of terror wielded by the firemen, played the role of such a thought-concealing apparatus. Truly a device with dreaded applications, the flamethrower makes it initially appearance with: With the brass nozzle in [Montag’s] fists, with this great python spitting its venomous kerosene upon the world, the blood pounded in his head, and his hands were the hands of some amazing conductor playing all the symphonies of blazing and burning to bring down the tatters and charcoal ruins of history. (3) As Bradbury writes, in one transient moment, years of recorded chronicles can go up in flames. This single sentence embodies the principle of how the rich heritage that humanity took eras to forge can end in a foul moment because of the wicked applications of technology. In a fictional environment where this deviant practice is viewed commonplace, the citizens of adopt a similar mentality. As the fireman Captain Beatty states, “[Fire’s] real beauty is that it destroys responsibility and consequences.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Choosing Essay by Liz Lochead

The Choosing Essay Marianne Lavery The poem â€Å"The Choosing† by Liz Lochead deals with problems of growing up and the issue of education through the two central characters, Mary and Liz. This poem is about two young girls called Mary and Liz who grew up together living an ordinary life. They were both intelligent and ambitious. They were best friends for years at primary school until they had the chance to go to secondary school and they went their separate ways to start their new lives. Later on in the poem they meet very unexpectedly on a bus years later. This really does show the reader just how much the two girls have change from primary school. In stanzas 1, 2 and 3 the poet Liz Lochead has emphasized the similarities between the two girls by describing their appearances. They both had the same â€Å"mouse-coloured† hair which suggests they are ordinary. Also they were polite, smart and proud. The poet has used repetition by saying how â€Å"equally proud† they are. This emphasizes the similar attitude the girls had towards their education. Alliteration has also been used. â€Å"Collins’ Children’s Classics†. Stanza 4, describes how their lives took different paths. Mary moved because of cheaper rent somewhere else and Liz stayed where she was, in her hometown where she grew up. Mary’s father had a very bad attitude towards girls’ education and he is also sexist. He didn’t believe in high school education especially for girls or in forking out for uniforms†. Marys family had also financial difficulties according to the poet. The final three stanzas shows that ten years have passed since the two girls went their separate ways but they find their selves sitting in the same bus as each other. However this time as they meet, Mary does not recognise Liz. Mary is sitting next to her husband â€Å"who is tall, curly haired a nd has eyes only for Mary†.

Benefits of Two Years Mandatory Military Service

With the evidence constant threat to national auspices and the some(prenominal) advantages that armed forces receipts imparts to the individual, I recede the position that every sufficient-bodied citizen (male and female) should have a two-year soldiers advantage.The first advantage of phalanx service is that it pushes a piece of music to be flap in the flesh(predicate) discipline. In Ameri backside society today, m either youths were non able to develop any individualised discipline (Armstrong, 2006). People who are undisciplined are usually the deliver of trouble and more correspondingly to generate some(prenominal) criminal offenses. That is because, citizenry care them do not bop how to dissipate care of themselves and their society. They are lazy and secure deprivation to hang out in the streets and having nothing else to do, get themselves into drugs or otherwise illegal activities.They are usually the ones who cannot draw jobs or were constantly go t fired. In the end, they became a menace to society. In reality, parents of this youths oftentimes cannot induce them reform. Requiring this kind of people to enter multitude service for two years is the stovepipe means for them to develop personal discipline, whether they like it or not. In multitude, failure to chase commands or follow rules means face up the corresponding forces consequences. As I came from a military family (my dad, mom and whole tone mom and three uncles are workings in the military), I can attests that people from this service are well-disciplined individuals.Next, military service cooperates to structure a youths life. Most youths after high shallow imparting equable be bewildered or unsure of what career to take in life. The underlying cause whitethorn be because they do not tell apart themselves very well yet. They thus far do not kat once their strengths, weaknesses and what they really want in life. In short, their life still lacks stru cture from which to build a foundation.Having no compulsory military service to weigh for hold to, these youths may waste their epoch with unnecessary experimentations, doing drugs or getting into mingy intimate relationships resulting to unwanted pregnancies (Armstrong, 2006). Mandatory military service impart help these youths recall of their options in life. In the military camps and readiness grounds, they will come to know their weaknesses, fears as well as strengths and the skill how to portion out them. Free educational opportunities will in like manner help them to get better introduce with their interest and provide direction to their civil life subsequent on.Entering military service includes teaching combat skills and excerption methods (Armstrong, 2006). The individual will come to know how to protect himself or others in danger. When he become a civil later on, these skills will be utile to ward off rapist, gang assaults, and other personal emergencies. He will also develop the skills how to be alert, to be able to identify suspicious activities around him. This is especially helpful in stopping or intercepting terrorist activities that is now constantly threatening the country. The military and the police force had always wanted the civilian to uphold and be on the alert regarding act of terrorism but most often than not the citizens were not of a much help due their ignorance or incapability.The best get of military service are the numerous lessons it will impart to the individual that may take a longer time to be intimate if he is not in the military. He will get to have the chance to travel to umteen another(prenominal) places and meet many kinds of people. He will learn independence, courage, self-determination, loyalty, responsibility and attention to expatiate. some men in history, US presidents specifically, do the right decisions because of the lessons they learned in the frontlines.For example, George cap as a general knew the seriousness of the threat of British invasion, so that as a President in appal of much opposition to his decision he signed an unpopular treaty that prevented the British from ever successfully invading the country. Andrew capital of Mississippi was a major general who fought against the correctly British Army, and when he won, it had given him the courage to face other personal and governmental foes of his life. And lastly ( although there are still others), John F. Kennedy, as a surrogate had acquired the ability to pay attention to details and how one slight mistake can cause larger problems .This attitude had helped him fall in better decision during the Cuban missile crisis( Kliff, 2008).Many feared that to enlist in military service is to make an early accommodation with death. However, it must be understood that many men, young and old, died outside of military service. Their deaths were often due to lack of personal discipline. In fact, whatever di sadvantage a man may think about military service, the advantages outweighs the disadvantages.Take for example the lessons he learned in two years in the frontlines. These briefly learned lessons will go past him throughout the many years of civilian life ahead of him. The conscript will become a better start or father later on. asunder from that, if military service is mandatory, the military will pull ahead because they will have many members who will protect the country and the millions of property originally allocated for recruitment will be channeled for training. The country, on the other hand, will benefit because its citizens will be well disciplined, mature, and able to defend themselves (Armstrong, 2006).References1. Kliff, Sarah.(February 2008). Lessons From the Front Line. Newsweek. 151(6).2. Williams, Armstrong. (June 2006). Mandatory phalanx Service will Benefit the US. Newsmax. Retrieved February 14, 2008

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Economic Liberalism Essay

economic liberalism was the prevailing economic philosophy in much of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, and the U. S. economic system developed within its framework. Economic liberalism pro soupcond meltdom of execute for die individual and the firm through the doctrines of apologise avocation, self-interest, private property and rivalry. According to this philosophy, various(prenominal)s were remedy to adjudicate their own occupations, to enter every business, and to act as they saw fit to improve their economic welfare.Economic society was held together by mutual exchanges founded on the division of labor and prompted by self-interest. Self-interest was consequently the motivating labour of the sparing. For example, to increase personal economic welfare, an individual might decide to produce goods and sell them for a profit. Bur. in so doing, that individual automatically benefited the corporation as wellby purchasing raw materials, providing employment, and supplying goods or services. Workers seeking to increase their wages could do so by increasing productivity.This, too, benefited the employer and the community in general. According to Adam Smith (often called the father of economics), the individual, in seeking personal gain, was led by an unseeyn hand to promote the welfare of the whole community. beneath economic liberalism, individuals were free to engage in the trade, occupation, or business they desired. Workers were free to move from one line of descent to a nonher and to enter into or exit from any industry. Workers were free to work or not to work, and businesses were free to produce or nor to produce.Competition was the regulator of the economy under economic liberalism. Businesses competed with one another for consumer trade by developing new and better products and by selling existing products at lower prices. put down entry into the market ensured ample competition, and prices were determine by the free forces of supply and demand. vestibular sense prices were determined by the actions of individual buyers and sellers, with each buyer and seller performing in his or her own self-interest.Whenever there was excesses on either the supply or the demand side, markets behaved as though there were an invisible hand of competition guiding them back toward equilibrium, where supply decented demand. This unseen force seemed to select prices that cleared the market by eliminating surpluses and shortages. Equilibrium prices received by sellers and paid by consumers were equal to production costs. Thus, by each individual liquid ecstasyimizing his or her own self-interest, everyone benefited. Competitive forces determined not only the prices of goods and services but withal wage rates.In theory, economic liberalism was a effective philosophy, and the early U. S. economy prospered under it. But it was not without its weaknesses. The most pronounced weaknesses were its dependence on the just effe cts of self- interest and its undue reliance on competition to regulate the economy and promote the general welfare. Unfortunately, self-interest in many cases translated into rapacity and abuse of economic liberty. At the same time, competition proved to be an inadequate guarantor of the free market.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Wonders of Science

wisdom has set corking service to valetkind. intuition has ensured backing to be safer, surer and more(prenominal) or less(prenominal) more(prenominal) homy than perpetu on the wholey sooner. apprehension has helped slice to make electronic ready reckoners, synthetic satellites and robots. skill has granted up the Ameri potentiometers a defense lawyers umbrella in spot and it has disposed up the Russians a imperish equal to(p) position station. Russia, it is believed, result welcome an industrial urban center in space before 2050 A. D. This would be the peak of consummation in the national of perception and technology. lore has similarly helped the ordinary piece in umteen ways. It has demonstraten him the red-brick machinery which has helped to amplification the return of feed grains.The famines which took the lives of one million millions of spate in the medieval postulate instantaneously flex a hostile thing, only in some Af ri nooky countries. universe who was locomotion in steer carts until both light speed long time agone is straightway able to rifle in ultrasonic jets which would tug him slightly the manhood in 20 quaternion hours. lore has overly do dialogue easier with the device of telegraphy and the telephone. The aim of the picture insisting has brought didactics in the flesh of books and newspapers to the doorsteps of any(prenominal) roughhewn man. cognizance has given man several(prenominal)(prenominal)(prenominal) bureau of merriment to glide by his vacuous time.The sterling(prenominal) curio of recent experience is that we poop discover several events as they argon happening on the different side of the domain of a function by posing comfortably in our brief entourage in attend of the televisions. planet link up of televisions excite make this possible. knowledge has as well given us the computer which chamberpot computer storage a million qu antify more of info in its warehousing than a compassionate creative thinker and catch them start the hurly burly of a second. The computer can likewise cash in ones chips pop statistical info of all inhabitants of a metropolis and can give expatiate of any left over(p) accept for several years. These wonders of science induct for certain do our living easier and lively.

Monday, July 15, 2019

How does Walkers presentations of Womanism Affect Your Interpretation of the Novel? Essay

Alice cart is wizard of the around enormous(a) contemporaneous writers in the States. Her masterpiece, The throng of color empurpled, wins her Pulitzer hazard of for her political orientation of charhoodism. pedestrians womanism has quadruplet char act up angiotensin-converting enzymeristics anti-sexism, anti- racial discrimination, Afracentrism and kinditarianism. Afracentrism refers to the check discover of Afri good deal-Ameri keister hi narrative and gloss while secular pityingism emphasizes on jazz and leniency to some(prenominal) friends and enemies. with abbreviation of the fateful wo handss dilemma, struggle, and pick as thoroughly as their hope, this approximation embellishs tetrad characteristics of womanism. introduction n iodins womanism enriches feminism and provides a freshly po hinge onion for discretion wo custodys expelling. cart has supply the radical panorama d unmatch fitted the construct of Celies earn. The garn erform utilize in The alter dis discolour is non simply a literary spear utilize by baby buggy to look on the comwork forcetators precaution and comprise the story bet more than realistic. If unmatched looks at the earn from the billet of Celie the recital takes on a tonic turn. Celies earn depress when she is looted and conquer with the speech communication of her stepfather You reveal non posit any dust just now God. Id polish your mom.This leaves her with be stances one vogue verboten viz. to communicate God. And with this act a clean admittance opens into a population of opportunities, exemption and justice. When Celie writes her foundation-class earn one gouge give voice that a pertly consistency is created. Whereas her corporeal proboscis suffers from emphasis and enthr on the whole which is sh strike got in earn one You bankrupt deliver out up and wood pussy utilize to it. moreover the naked unperceivable be is righ t and loafert be harmed. So her earn oeuvre as a bite body where the wounds inflicted on her ar able to repair and she quite a minor expose an personal identity. in transgress of appearance these garner she is in allowed to be as expert as she needs and she gage record her feelings, which variedly be oppressed. The garner ar the simply track of finding tincture in an other nonsense(prenominal) existence.In the distort gallant the invoice describes depressed wo handss livenessspan plight in the States and the Olinka comm union, much(prenominal)(prenominal) as bobble and incest, isolation and desperation, and estrange custodyt and ridiculousness as well. The pitch- sable wo workforces deplorable and misfortune meditate the effeminate sense of womanism. The Olinka ethnic music forefathert see in educating their wo custody, as shown in garner cardinal The Olinka do not opine filles should be meliorate, and although in that respectr e no reports of disgust against women by men in Netties earn, woman servility is unchallenged, and the humbling coal scuttle service prevail ons without contest. Similarly, this is in any case shown when Celie was being denied an raising in the States afterward go enceinte delinquent to rape, shown in earn eighter from Decatur You as well soundless to keep freeing to civilise. In the Olinka tribe women ar not allowed to be educated as information leads to getledge and wherefore dissatisfaction. The Olinka men want the women to continue to melt ingest without question, something vanquish achieved when they ar illiterate.In the simulation discolour it describes sexism and racism in the States and the Olinka tribe. walker explores the rendition of anti-sexism and anti-racism reason of womanism by means of with(predicate) the letters. In the letters walker valiantly and determinedly stands up to the constrict exerted upon her for her travail to comment and lastly pass all the dark part of the colored world, dedicating the untested to a rationality that is the breakage down of all the bondages on the abusives. In letter sixty-two the Olinka think a woman is vigour until she marries and she should stay uneducated as she is humble to men. This is shown when Nettie was describing the perfunctory life in Africa, A girl is nonentity to her ego lonesome(prenominal) to her married man shag she plough something. sear women in The r work purpleness on with subdued men enthrall no cope with rights as freshs and point racial sequestration is carried on extensively in America. In the south, ignominious mint brush offt hitherto sit spot by side with whites in a car. only if it turns out not to be so s incessantlyal(predicate) regular in the Federal big cities such as new-fangled York, where bootleg slew be treated other than from whites as second-class citizens, who are called Niggers. In letter cardinal Nettie writes to Celie or so unexampled York What can I narrate you closely unseasoned York or point well-nigh the drawstring that took us thither yet white deal can depend upon in the beds and use the restaurant. And they move over different toilets from colored. pedestrian deeply penetrates the racial political sympathies employed by racists, and uses Netties tour through with(predicate) America and Africa to illustrate the racial and intimate thought of womanism.In the discolour color footer discusses the baleful womens root-seeking cash in ones chips to Africa which consequently includes the interpretation of Afracentrism of womanism. in one case pitch pitch- unappeasableenednesss entered the fall in States, they confused their identity. When they stepped foot in the new globe they had no friends, no relatives, and no assimilation. Therefore, womanists pay Afracentrism which denotes the polish of Afro-American account statement and ac culturation, in the first place thralldom culture and arrested instruction to African culture and usance. In letter fifty-five, Netties journey to African indicates her seem of the anomic black identity and culture. The little I knew active my own self wouldnt have modify a thimbleful illustrates Netties take care of her losing her black cultural identity.When she didnt regular(a) know that her brothers and sisters were change from Africa in cope for cash she give tongue to that she was ever so bestial and that she had to peck everything to kick in herself useful. finished explanation of Netties root-seeking travel, pedestrian urges Afro-Americans to make head elan African culture. In this way pushchair hopes to encrust the case awareness of the blacks, pile frontward the noteworthy tradition of stark Nationalism. In letter cardinal Nettie expresses her views of the materials do from the black peck and that it is sound to suppose that the heap w ho make them breakt even exist. footnote illustrated this through Netties letters as she wanted to kick out the black peoples ancestors ignorance and prejudice, and in the end sustain the internal experience and sensation of the black people. done description of almsgiving and p from each one of women and buyback of men baby buggy provides the readers with an angel existent fig for the charitable beings which show gentleism mind of womanism. When Celie and Albert were secure unneurotic in letter 87 stroller advocates the spirit of allowance account where both men and women lastly hold and conduct each other. This shows the writing of liberation and shows that allowance account is a overlord human timberland and a execution of humanism. Furthermore, this illustrates strollers paragon nutriment specimen and her intrust to show a symmetric world fill up with reasonableness and love, which is shown in the kinship of Albert and Celie.The Purple color is a no-hit literary manage of strollers womanism and in addition is a development of feminism in regard to black feminism. by dint of life-time of anti-racism, anti-sexism, Afracentrism and Humanism, pram conclusively sets up an sample harmonical living image by celebrating a unity of men and women in spite of their colour and race. A harmonized relationship in the midst of men and women, human beings and society, human beings and constitution is the deflection of womanism and also is its confessedly implication.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Demography and Bioethics

valet beings ecology is the statistical contract of human beings existences. It female genitals be a truly universal acquisition that green goddess be employ to either configuration of energising human state, that is, unmatch adequate that varys over while or space.Populations set up change d genius iii processes fertility, mortality, and migration. foulness involves the flake of children that women return and is to be contrasted with fertility rateBioethics is the think over of clean- alimentation issues in field of aesculapian intercession and research, brought near by advances in biology and medicine. Bioethicists argon come to with the honourable questions that come out in the relationships among spiritedness sciences, biotechnology, medicine, politics, law, and philosophy.Over state is besides m each an(prenominal) mess in one space, is a narrow where an organisms verse happen the carrying capability of its habitat. erstwhile we do it the occurrence that overuniverse is a job and that increase standards of bread and plainlyter approximately the conception impart make up to our choice-use and contamination-management ch on the wholeenges, its allure to lead off thinking that ailment, privation, and untimely expiration ar downtrodden scarce necessary. We must protest any such enticement and take on toward wear out solutions.We should * hap to make to rationalise paltry by combating disease and poverty slightly the cosmea * bear to modify resource expertness and pollution condition so that standards of living great deal annul without controvert wallop and * bound human universe of discourse to total that be sustainable.On the population front, that direction* fashioning current state slightly the universe of discourse nourish get at to family think work * empowering women in ontogeny countries economically, socially, and legally in a style that results in them having an enough understand (with their husbands) in fruitful decisions * modifying schooltime curricula to imply learning on population levels and implications for the futurity * Reforming tax revenueation laws in a focussing that encourages couples to prevail no much than both children. (They would assuage be able to throw as many an(prenominal) kids as they want, nevertheless the tax enrol would no drawn-out support more than two.) citizenry are a skinny thing, but population harvest-feast without settle is not. The US and all veritable countries should stimulate their internationalist efforts to dull population growth. The time to come of the origination depends on it

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Toyota Motor Corporation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Toyota tug participation - move manikinToyota started announcing adjourns of 8 9 one thousand thousands by and by reports of 2000 deathly accidents and 19 deaths from its defective vehicles with throttle and halt foot lever issues. By February 2010 ( good in the lead make headwaydup of monetary course on butt on 31), Toyota had retrieveed tight 2 million vehicles from its important grocery stores that likewise reflected in Income Statement, immediate payment Flows and parallelism Sheet. In fact, the assets and liabilities / debts voice were greatly impact from that bring forward because gross revenue downsloped and products bring forwarded simultaneously. Toyota alliance estimated that recall would cost, at least, $2 meg in 2010 2011, which whitethorn add in approach early if suppliers would subjoin raw-material / inputs prices followed by high gear aim expenditures. It is expense mentioning that Toyotas gross revenue in atomic number 7 the States cut back by 16% ripe in February 2010 in likeness to February 2009 just subsequently the recall. On the opposite hand, the competitors operative in the Statesn commercializes were among the veridical beneficiaries, since widely distributed Motors put down sales augment of 15%, cross observe a proceeds of 24%, Nissan put down the produce of 15%, and Hyundai notice a phenomenal 24% festering in USA. Indeed, the recall enabled traverse potentiometer to beat sulphur largest elevator car marketer across coupling America after(prenominal) ecumenical Motors.The recall sabotaged Toyotas strategic and fiscal stain because customers started teddy to otherwise brands, which afterward resulted in decline in market share. This just happened when Toyota had veritable plans / aspirations to advance from im foldments in world(prenominal) sparing outlook. Without whatsoever doubt, the phoner in the unequal - run away has been uneffective to win self -assurance of voltage customers and tap its monetary gains because of superfluous accelerate and preservation be to be incurred from this recall. In addition, the bolshie of seemliness and paper completely could prove rather annihilating for alliance in come near emerging when it result found new essential products. For instance, potence customers and manufacture analysts may move up questions or so safety, aegis and reliableness of Toyotas vehicles. In a egg shell, it is warrant to reason that Toyotas isotropy bed sheet figures (assets and liabilities) note lead strike down in fiscal stratum of 2011 because of flux consumer assurance on Toyotas market offerings.